Gift Points for WooCommerce

39,00 HT

  • Yearly license
  • Unlimited usage for one website
  • Support by mail




== Description ==

Gift Points for WooCommerce is a powerful loyalty system that rewards customers with points for their purchases and allows them to redeem these points for special gift products.

= Key Features =

* Automatic point attribution based on order amounts
* Dedicated gift products category
* Point history tracking
* Customizable points/currency ratio
* Customer points balance display
* Admin tools to manage customer points
* Compatible with WooCommerce HPOS (High-Performance Order Storage)
* Compatible with WooCommerce REST API

= How it works =

1. Customers earn points on their regular purchases (not on gifts)
2. Points are automatically credited to their account
3. Special gift products, and only gifts, can be purchased using points
4. Full history of points earned and spent


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